The War Game

Warmaster's Tips
Warmaster's Tips

First of all, The War game works all around the internet: a fast modem is a great help.
To effectively communicate information with players, make a web site. This is the easiest way to make the game run nicely. I have the following features on my Global War site:
Rules Page
Message Board
World Page: Lists who owns what, what was just conquered, from who, etc. This is essential.
Resources Page: One stop page for all the downloads and other resources necessary for players.
E-Mail Page: Lists the E-Mail addresses of all players
E-Mail players their excel sheets at the beginning of each cycle! This will keep them on top of things.
Give Players Freedom! Try to keep an open mind, especially about Unique Units! In my Global War Game, there are Gundams fighting super-tanks all of which are getting frozen in time by a small building. This kind of craziness lets players be creative.